wonderful beaches

In the latest ranking of the 40 best beaches in the world, there are beach Legzira according Huffigton post a social network for travelers, Legzira ranks 29th position located in the city of Sidi Ifni, which characterizes this beautiful beach is not the qualities these

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Around the Mediterranean city Tetouan there are many beaches and one of the prettiest beaches in the country is Restinga Smir, close to 25 minutes by car from ....click here to see more

Capo or Cabo Nigro It’s a resort on the north from 10Km de Tetouan , 24 Km from Ceuta.

A wonderful place with beautiful view to the beach, there are some clubs for who want spend a good times and do an amusing activities as golf , jet ski , water sports..
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This is the beach town located in the province of Sidi Benour exactly on the coastal road between El Jadida and Safi, calm beach that attracts visitors, the city also known click here to see more

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