lundi 29 septembre 2014

Tetouan (The White Dove)

There are a lot of pronunciations of this name as Tetawin, Tittaween Amazigh -the local language- name: that’s mean two eyes but the official pronunciation is Tetouan.

It located in the north, it near to the beach (the Mediterranean) a proximately 6 Km and also near M’diq, Fnideq, Some beautiful beaches (Capo Nigro, Martil, Marina Smir…)   Ceuta and 60Km from here to see all the map

About the climate ,Tetouan has a Mediterranean climate. Hot and dry in summer and winter costs. It is also a particularly windy area.

The old streets of this city look like at old streets of Andalusia (south of Spain) “this is due to the Muslims who are forced to leave Spain and they went to the north of Morocco…”
What you can see in Tetouan:

-La Medina : (old city of Tetouan) is registered on the world Heritage list of UNESCO.There are ramparts surrounding the town, they let pass through seven entries that are: Bab El Oqla, Bab Saaida (east), and Bab Bab Mqabare Ejjyafe (northbound), Bab Nouader (to West), Bab A, Bab Remouz (south). Inside the city, the streets are picturesque and teeming with people. The main neighborhoods, dating from the construction of the city, are: Laayoune Essania, Trankat, Rbat Aala, Bled, Rbat Asfal and Mellah.

- Places: El Feddane, Ghersa El Kébira (up varied trade), El USAA (small picturesque square)

            - Souks(markets) : Mesdaa (spices, cheeses), Sakia El Foukia (clothes) ..

And for  who love nature and excursions .Tétouan was famous for its natural sites around the city and the region. The old timers remember well Nzaha to Kitane, Dardara, Bousemlal, Martil Groura (current Cabo Negro), Abdesslam Sidi El Bhar ... The urbanization of the city and nearby locations (Martil Mdiq and generally the coastal area) led to the disappearance of most of the sites, and nature enthusiasts are turning to the region of Chefchaouen (Akchour Talasemtane).

However, some sites are temporarily protected from rapid urbanization, as Smir lagoon, which is a wetland protected under the Ramsar Convention. This site is home to many species of migratory birds during their crossing of the Detroit Other natural sites are located south of the city, on the roads of Oued Lau and Chefchaouen. We practice walking and hunting excursions (hare, partridge, wild boar).

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